Before having a baby, I never thought I'd become one of those crunchy-hippie mamas, but here I am amber teething necklaces, co-sleeping, cloth diapering, baby wearing, and baby-led weaning. Did I mention? Breastfeeding! Of course, nothing is wrong with formula-feeding and I understand not everyone can/does breastfeed. I was lucky enough to be able to bond with my daughter in this way and love it. However, not sure if I could ever be one of those attachment-parenting kinda mamas, but I commend them for sticking it out for so long - more power to you!
My goal for breastfeeding is to last a year at least, but lately with a decline in production, or maybe I'm just not producing fast enough for baby girl anymore, I've started supplementing with formula. Luckily it's been a very easy transition since HW hasn't ever been very picky about anything. We still BF about three times a day/night, sometimes both, switching from bf to formula or likewise. We've tried Enfamil ready-made, but she still likes Similac the best, so as for now, this is what we will be sticking to.
I also find myself changing over to other things more often than not these days since all of baby girl's changes - cutting teeth, walking, and sleeping more. I bought disposable diapers! For the past nine months, I think I've only bought/received about five boxes and only used them when we went out, traveled, or sometimes out of pure laziness. We use Honest Co. diapers and I usually stock up when I see them on sale! We also use Pampers, but I've had a "issue" with them after an incident that included my long-haired chihuahua and one of HW's used diapers when she was just a newborn...but I've come back around to them (or you can say I didn't have much of choice) now that I've run out of my Honest Co. diapers and Target had a sale on Pampers.
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